Our focus is ensuring that your debt review placement is lawful and in compliance with prescribed regulations and procedures and to guide you on how to remove unlawful or overdue debt review flag.Understanding Your Current Status: Gain clarity on your current debt review situation and explore options if you believe the placement was unfair, fraudulent or overdue.Exiting Debt Review: Explore the process and requirements for leaving debt review when your financial situation allows.Debt Counsellor Status: Establish the details of debt counsellor on your credit record as well as their registration status.

We are Trained & Certified

Our mandate is ensuring that your debt review placement was lawfully conducted and your debt counsellor is active and rendering obligatory aftercare service. 

The Free Assessment will help you with:
Understanding Your Current Status: Gain clarity on your current debt review situation and explore options if you believe the placement was unfair, fraudulent or overdue.
Exiting Debt Review: Explore the process and requirements for leaving debt review when your financial situation allows.
Debt Counsellor Status: Establish the details of debt counsellor on your credit record as well as their registration status.


NCR Debt Counsellor Statistics

Since inception of debt counselling in 2007, over 2900 debt counsellors have been deregistered.

The statistics below indicate that over 65% of registered debt counsellors are no longer involved in debt counselling. This means that a large number of consumers are still listed under debt review displaying a deregistered debt counsellor, rendering the credit bureau information false and incorrect and unfairly prejudicing affected consumers. It is up to you as the consumer to ensure that the debt counsellor who placed you under debt review is currently active. Click on the link below the statistic figure to check the status of your debt counsellor. You will need the NCRDC number or the name of the debt counsellor to search the database. 

Where the debt counsellor status is Voluntary Cancelled or Registration Lapsed or Cancelled by Tribunal, you should log a dispute with the NCR to remove the flag from your credit records. 



Total Deregistered

Removal of the Debt Review Flag - Debt Counsellor Deregistered

Where the debt counsellor status is Voluntary Cancelled or Registration Lapsed or Cancelled by Tribunal, you should log a dispute with the NCR to remove the flag from your credit records.
Debt Counsellor Deregistered: - over 2900 debt counsellors have left the debt review practice and/or have been deregistered due to registration non-compliance and/or misconduct. This has left millions of consumers stuck with a debt review flag on their credit records. This renders the credit bureau information false and as a result prejudice consumers who are reflected as under debt review with a debt counsellor who is no longer involved in debt counselling. 

Consumers who have settled all their debts - many consumers have settled their debts yet they are still locked-in the debt review system due to failure of debt counsellors initiating the removal of the flag or the debt counsellor is no longer involved in debt counselling.

Abandoned or Incomplete Process: The fundamental debt counselling process is completed when the Magistrate or Tribunal court has granted a court order to enforce the re-structured debt re-payment arrangement. There is evidence that most, if not all deregistered debt counsellors did not progress to the court application.

A debt review listing displaying a deregistered debt counsellor is incorrect and unlawful. 

Steps to Remove the Debt Review Flag: 

1. Follow the instruction in the statistics above to check the status of your debt counsellor. 
2. Contact the NCR and inform them of the debt counsellor status
3. Insist that the debt review flag must be removed immediately 
4. The NCR should immediatly instruct the credit bureaus to remove the flag from your credit records. 

In case you encounter problems contacting the Ncr, you can request a dispute service from AACS below for a fee of R970 (instalments available). The Assessment form is a questionnaire which will compile information on your debt review situation including the current contact situation with the debt counsellor. We shall draw the report to establish the debt counsellor status and log the dispute on your behalf in terms of Section 136 Regulation 50 of the NCA.

The debt review flag shall be removed within 3 - 14 days. 

Registration & Payment:
You do not pay anything for registration of the dispute service.
Upon registration you will recieve email with a link to access mandatory dispute documents.
And then you will recieve email with a link for payment options.
You can make payment whenever you are ready.

Credit Reports & Dispute Registration

In case you are unable to establish the debt counsellor status, you can order your credit report below. 
Alternatively you can register for dispute and clearance service. 

Credit Report Order

Select any of the following Reports:
* Xds Credit Report = R130
* Transunion Report = R130
* Datanamix Report = R150 (recommended)
*  Combo: Datamanix +Transunion = R190
* Combo: Datanamix + Xds = R190
* All Reports (Datanamix+Xds+Transunion =R260

Any report will display full debt review details.

The Datanamix report is recommended because it is the most  comprehensive and displays your current account balances and instalments including defaults, judgments, administration listings (if any)

In a sense, you do not need any other report when you have  a Datanamix Report. 

Dispute Service Registration


First Month R70 then (R300 x 3 months)

The most important aspect of logging a successful dispute is to be persistent on following up with the Ncr dispute progress.

You may take this service only  if you are certain that you do not have time to handle the recommended resolution and dispute action and necessary followups.
The Service Entails:
* Latest Credit Report
* Assessment of your debt review circumstances.
* Log Dispute with the Ncr for investigation and clearance.
* Followup with NCR for progress update.
* Receive Updated Credit Report once the flag is removed.

We highly suggest that you discuss your assessment outcome and options with our specialist before you take this service. 


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