Our focus is ensuring that your debt review placement is lawful and in compliance with prescribed regulations and procedures and to guide you on how to remove unlawful or overdue debt review flag.Understanding Your Current Status: Gain clarity on your current debt review situation and explore options if you believe the placement was unfair, fraudulent or overdue.Exiting Debt Review: Explore the process and requirements for leaving debt review when your financial situation allows.Debt Counsellor Status: Establish the details of debt counsellor on your credit record as well as their registration status.

We are Trained & Certified in NCA regulations and NCR procedures

AACS is not a debt counselling company. 
Our focus is ensuring you were fairly and lawfully placed under debt review and the debt review flag is removed (where applicable). 

The AACS mandate is:
* to ensure that the consumer's rights are protected in the debt review environment.
* to ensure that unlawful debt review flag is removed from consumer's credit records
* to ensure that consumers who are eligible (no longer over-indebted) are released from debt review.
* to ensure that the consumer is receiving obligatory after-care service from the debt counsellor.

The AACS mandate is rendered in terms of Section 136 regulation 50 of the NCA. This regulation empowers the consumers to appoint a trained & certified representative to log a dispute with the NCR on their behalf.  

AACS is collaborating with the NCR to investigate and resolve instances of consumers who are unlawfully placed or unfairly stuck in the debt review system. 


Are you declined credit due to (unlawful) debt review flag?

Millions of South Africans are denied credit due to an unfairly or unlawfully placed Debt Review Flag on their records. 

Debt Counselling is a voluntary and consensual process which results in the Tribunal or a Magistrate Court re-arranging the consumer’s debt. Where there is no court order in place, it means the debt review process was not completed or was abandoned, therefore the flag is unlawful and invalid.

 In terms of Section 86 of the NCA, when you apply for debt counselling (signed Form16 application),  a debt review flag is placed on your credit record  to alert lenders of a pending debt review application as a caution to not extend further credit to a consumer who might be over-indebted. However, if the dept reviw application is unsuccessful, the flag should be removed. 

Unfortunately, there are thousands of cases where the debt counsellors does not remove the debt review flag when the application is unsuccessful or when the consumer cancels the process. There are also thousands of consumers who have been incorrectly, fraudulently and unlawfully flagged as under debt review, hindering their ability to get credit.

How to Get Credit Approval Despite the Debt Review Flag.

Introducing the Credit Approval Validation (CAV) Service

Major banks (Standard Bank, Absa, Fnb, Capitec, Nedbank) and other credit providers are aware of the plight of consumers who qualify for credit but are incorrectly or unlawfully listed as under debt review. These credit providers have sought a solution to address this problem as it impacts their profitability or bottom line.  As a resolve, they are referring their declined clients to AACS to investigate the validity of the debt review flag and issue a Credit Approval Validation. 

What is Credit Approval Validation? A sworn statement (affidavit) stipulating unequivocally that the debt review listing on your credit record is unlawful and under dispute  and confirms your eligibility for credit . This validation can be presented to credit providers to strengthen your credit application for approval.

The CAV is a must have document for any consumer who has been unlawfully listed or stuck under debt review. 

AACS supplies credible evidence in a form of an affidavit to the credit provider that stipulates that:
    (a). The debt review flag is invalid, fraudulent or unlawful. 
    (b). The matter is in the process of dipute with the NCR for invesitagation and resolution  

The credit providers use the affidavit to override the debt review flag and approve the credit application based on affordability and prescribed NCA credit guidelines.

What you should do: 

If you find yourself in a situation where you are declined credit due to a debt review flag on your credit records, and you know or suspect that it was unlawfully or fraudulently placed, you can register with the AACS to investigate  the circumstances under which you were placed under debt review and the validity of the flag. Where it is found that there were discrepancies, non-compliance or inconsistencies  in the process, or the debt review flag was unlawfully/fraudulently placed (without your consent or application), The AACS
 in-house legal practitioner to draft a Credit Approval Validation(affidavit) on your behalf stipulating unequivocally that the debt review flag is unlawfu and under dispute. You can present this CAV (affidavit) to the credit provider for consideration and approval of your credit application. 

The Credit Approval Affidavit is based on the NCR dispute process in terms of Section 136 of the NCA.  With this affidavit, the credit provider shall consider your application (or override the debt review flag) and approve your credit on the basis of affordability and NCA credit guidlines.

Who Qualifies?
- Unlawfully placed debt review flag - You never applied for debt review (no signed Form 16)
- Incomplete process - No court order exists for your alleged debt review.
- Clearance Certificate - You completed debt review but cannot obtain a clearance certificate.
- Deregistered Debt Counsellor
 The debt counsellor who flagged you is no longer registered with the NCR.

How to Apply for Credit Approval Validation: 
1. Register below for assessment of your debt review circumstances
2. You will receive acknowledgement of your registration with a link to upload assessment and dispute documents
3. Upon receipt of the dispute documents, you will receive a link to activate your file for processing

Assessment, Investigation and Dispute Process: - Upon receipt of confirmation of file activation: 
1. We perform preliminary investigation to determine the circumstances under which you were placed under debt review. 
2. We access your credit report to establish debt review status and debt counsellor registration status.
3. We log the dispute for investigation and clearance with the NCR
4. Our in-house legal practitioner will draft an NCR compliant Credit Approval Validation (affidavit) on your behalf stipulating the established discrepancies and/or non-compliance issues and the dispute action. 
5. You can present the affidavit to any bank or credit provider when you apply for credit. 

It is important to note that the approval of your credit application is the discretion of the credit provider based on affordability and the prescribed NCA credit guidelines. The AACS cannot intervene in any manner regarding the process and/or the outcome of the credit application. 

Do not wait to be declined!
- Get YouCredit Approval Validation (affidavit) before you attempt to apply for credit. 

The Service Fees below are for a Limited-Time Service Introduction and expire on 31 July 2024, thereafter the normal dispute service fees  (shown in the last section), shall apply. 

 Please note that there is no payment for registration or assessment. You can register now and activate your file when you need the Credit Approval Validation. 

If you need more information, talk to one of our consultants here: ChatLive

Free Assessment Only

Free Assessment Only 

Get a free evaluation of your situation to  determine if you qualify for Credit Approval Validation

You will be required to supply latest credit report to establsh the debt review status and the debt counsellor registration status

Credit Validation Approval accepted by most Major banks for:
* Home Loans
* Vehicle Finance
* Personal Loans
* Credit Cards

Credit Approval Validation
Early Bird Discount 

Once-Off R395

* Get a free Credit Report

* Get a free evaluation of your situation

*Get Your Credit Approval Validation within 72 hours
* Includes debt review flag dispute and removal service.

First 50 Registrations Only 

Credit Validation Approval accepted by most Major banks for:
* Home Loans
* Vehicle Finance
* Personal Loans
* Credit Cards

Credit Approval Validation

Once-Off R650

First Month R50 then R325 x 2 months

  * Get a free Credit Report

* Get a free evaluation of your situation

*Get Your Credit Approval Validation within 72 hours

* Includes debt review flag  dispute and removal service.

Expires on 31 July 2024 

Credit Validation Approval accepted by most Major banks for: 
* Home Loans
* Vehicle Finance
* Personal Loans
* Credit Cards 

Existing Clients

Credit Approval Validation Only

Once-Off R290

Register for this package if you have already registered with  AACS  and activated your file for dispute and clearance service.

*Get Your Credit Approval Validation within 72 hours
 Expires on 31 July 2024

Credit Validation Approval accepted by most Major banks for:
* Home Loans
* Vehicle Finance
* Personal Loans
* Credit Cards 

Limited-Time Service Introduction CountDown

Expires 31 July 2024

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

Standard Dispute and Affidavit Fees - 01 August 2024

Free Assessment Only

Free Assessment Only 

Get a free evaluation of your situation to  determine if you qualify for Credit Approval Affidavit

You will be required to supply latest credit report to establsh the debt review status and the debt counsellor registration status

Dispute+ CAV (Affidavit) 

Once-Off  (R1800) or R300 x 6 months

* Get a free Credit Report

* Get a free evaluation of your situation *

Get Professional Credit Approval Affidavit within 72 hours

* Includes debt review flag  dispute and removal service.

NCR Debt Counsellor Statistics

Show off why visitors should choose you. What sets you apart from others or what would you like to show your visitors?

Since inception of debt counselling in 2007, over 3000 debt counsellors have been deregistered.

The statistics below indicate that over 65% of registered debt counsellors are no longer involved in debt counselling. This means that a large number of consumers are still listed under debt review displaying a deregistered debt counsellor, rendering the credit bureau information false and incorrect and unfairly prejudicing affected consumers. It is up to you as the consumer to ensure that the debt counsellor who placed you under debt review is currently active. Click on the link below the statistic figure to check the status of your debt counsellor. You will need the NCRDC number or the name of the debt counsellor to search the database. 

Where the debt counsellor status is Voluntary Cancelled or Registration Lapsed or Cancelled by Tribunal, you should log a dispute with the NCR to remove the flag from your credit records. 


What our customers write about us

I never thought I will ever get credit. 12 years I have been stuck with a fraud debt review flag. Not even NCR could help me.  A car dealer referred me to AACS, I recieved my Credt Approval Affidavit in 5 days and to my surprise, I was approved for a brand new Fortuner. Thank You AACS. You  turned my life around,  I wish you the best in everything you  do and hope you help more people like me. 

I have no words to thank you. I lost hope long ago. I was made to believe that I can never get credit with a debt review flag on my credit record.  My bank did not hesitate to approve my homeloan with proof that Asia Lamara placed me under debt review without my consent. Thanks to your Credit Approval Validation, me and my family thank you from the bottom of our hearts

My brain screamed "Scammers!" but I thought I lost way too much more that R395 to a bogus debt counsellor, this cannot be worse. The Credit Approval Validation came in 3 days. I couldn't  believe my eyes when I got sms that my loan was approved. Thanks a million. Keep doing what you do to help victims of fraudulent debt review. 

If you can ask me to pay more for your professional service I would do so with a smile. Thank you very much for the Credit Approval Validation, it has opened many locked doors for me. 

When my  bank referred me to AACS, I knew that this must be good. 5 days later I recieved my Credit Approval Validation and my loan was approved.  Thank you so much! Now my Hr job  description includes referring my colleagues to AACS. 

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